tales of autism…

Hackmeeting 2010 2-3-4 july Rome IT

Posted: July 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: General, Live, Video | Comments Off on Hackmeeting 2010 2-3-4 july Rome IT

from an Audio/Video liveset @ Italian Hackmeeting 2010 made with 100% free software tools.

Husk00 & Mag-ONE (with GemQ and MagSynth)

tre e trentatre

Posted: June 28th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: General, Video | Comments Off on tre e trentatre

I played the “soundtrack” for this short film about earthquake in L’Aquila (6th april 2009):

Music made with Pure Data! original soundfile (audio sucks on youtube video)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

liveset @ CastelloReggae 09

Posted: August 21st, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: General, Live, Video | Comments Off on liveset @ CastelloReggae 09

First live session with my own software (MAGSYNTH) made in Pure Data. Unfortunately I only have some pics and two short video about that: