tales of autism…


Posted: January 22nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: General, Pure Data | Comments Off on xmix_is_out


DjSet @ Sound Rebel (C.S.A. La Torre)

Posted: December 7th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: General, Live | Comments Off on DjSet @ Sound Rebel (C.S.A. La Torre)

MAGSYNTH released on PlanetQ!

Posted: September 12th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: General, Pure Data | Comments Off on MAGSYNTH released on PlanetQ!

MAGSYNTH is the first audio application i wrote in 2008-2009.

It is basically an 8-tracks mixing console with a different synth per channel. Each synth can be played via MIDI, with a software sequencer or with any hardware Midi-capable devices. It can record midi sessions with realtime scene changes or can save scenes snapshots. It also has a midi arpeggiator and BPM synced delays effects and LFOs.

Here’s a screenshot of the main console:

DOWNLOAD it from PlanetQ svn repository

MAGSYNTH is stricktly developed inĀ  Pure Data (version 0.42.5 ‘vanilla’).

Pure Data it’s a real-time graphical programming environment for live interactive computer music (it works on SGI machines, Microsoft Windows,Linux, and Max OSX). More info about it can be found at http://puredata.info.